
Issued Date

1719 results found. Showing page 100 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
046/00 Rail RO-1999-127 Tranz Rail prohibit staff members from riding motor cycles for any time they are required to maintain safe line of sight for a propelling movement when shunting…
047/00 Rail RO-1999-127 Tranz Rail determine maximum allowable speeds for all shunt movements when operating in sidings, regardless of whether or not discharging or loading of wagons…
058/00 Aviation AO-2000-005 CAA Review the planned criteria for the marking of overhead wires and structures, to give increased priority to large spans, like West Arm.
055/00 Marine MO-1999-211 Coastal Tankers Liaise with Port Otago Limited and combine the resources of all parties to reassess the risk level for the Kakariki transiting Otago Harbour and take…
052/00 Marine MO-1999-211 Port Otago Consider using the PIANC guidelines when reviewing company policy and procedures.
056/00 Marine MO-1999-211 Coastal Tankers Liaise with Port Otago Limited and the appropriate regional council to consider the other factors affecting the safe operations of ships and tankers…
054/00 Marine MO-1999-211 Coastal Tankers Correct the calculations in the risk assessment, and focusing on its objectives, re-evaluate the level of risk and safety of the Kakariki transiting…
057/00 Marine MO-1999-211 Coastal Tankers Implement a policy of conducting risk assessments before the company becomes committed to the purchase, chartering in or management of future new or…
038/00 Rail RO-2000-105 Tranz Rail limit the use of four-wheel wagons to the carriage of homogeneous loads where the likelihood of asymmetrical loading is minimal, and give…
042/00 Rail RO-1999-115 LTSA give increased emphasis to the quality and frequency of inspections as key parameters for auditing the performance of rail operators to their…

1719 results found. Showing page 100 of 172.