
Issued Date

1721 results found. Showing page 1 of 173.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
030/25 Marine MO-2023-206 Pescatore Fishing Limited On 13 March 2025, the Commission recommended that Pegasus Fishing Limited review their safety management system and take steps to ensure safe…
029/25 Marine MO-2023-206 Maritime New Zealand On 13 March 2025, the Commission recommended that the Director of Maritime New Zealand review their competency frameworks for STCW-F-aligned…
006/24 Rail RO-2021-104 Tranzdev Wellington On 25 September 2024, the Commission recommended that Transdev Wellington review and improve the training on the application of the in-cab emergency…
017/24 Rail RO-2023-104 NZTA On 25 September 2024, the Commission recommended that NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi work with rail operators to assess the benefits of all rail…
004/24 Rail RO-2021-104 KiwiRail On 25 September 2024, the Commission recommended that KiwiRail review the trigger settings of its rainfall-monitoring equipment and weather risk…
007/24 Rail RO-2021-104 Tranzdev Wellington On 25 September 2024, the Commission recommended that Transdev Wellington review the back-up portable radio system, particularly the equipment,…
018/24 Rail RO-2023-104 KiwiRail On 25 September 2024, the Commission recommended that KiwiRail review the route knowledge training for locomotive engineers to ensure infrequent…
005/24 Rail RO-2021-104 Tranzdev Wellington and Auckland One Rail On 25 September 2024, the Commission recommended that Transdev Wellington and Auckland One Rail take action to fit automatic alert systems to…
008/24 Rail RO-2021-104 Tranzdev Wellington and Auckland One Rail On 25 September 2024, the Commission recommended that Transdev Wellington and Auckland One Rail implement regular checks of the onboard radios (both…
019/24 Rail RO-2023-104 KiwiRail On 25 September 2024, the Commission recommended that KiwiRail implement risk controls with respect to signal 308 to ensure that the hazards that…

1721 results found. Showing page 1 of 173.