
Issued Date

1721 results found. Showing page 9 of 173.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
012/21 Rail RO-2020-101 KiwiRail On 8 December 2021, the Commission recommended that KiwiRail and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency examine how the selection of level crossings for…
012/21 Rail RO-2020-101 NZTA On 8 December 2021, the Commission recommended that KiwiRail and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency examine how the selection of level crossings for…
008/21 Rail RO-2020-103 NZTA The Commission recommended that Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency review clause 9.5(c) of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 in consultation with…
007/21 Rail RO-2019-108 Secretary for Local Government On 27 October 2021 the Commission recommended that the Secretary for Local Government provide leadership to, and work with local authorities to…
006/21 Rail RO-2019-108 NZTA On 27 October 2021 the Commission recommended that Waka Kotahi review its current auditing of agencies delegated to approve traffic management plans…
001/21 Marine MO-2018-206 South Port NZ On 27 September 2021, the Commission made a recommendation to South Port that they ensure South Port’s safety management system develops measures to…
002/21 Marine MO-2020-201 Pegasus Fishing On 27 May 2021 the Commission recommended that Pegasus Fishing enhance its training system so as to upskill deckhands in watchkeeping practices that…
004/21 Aviation AO-2018-005 CAA On 27 May 2021 the Commission recommended that the Director of Civil Aviation publish an educational article raising awareness of the importance of…
003/21 Marine MO-2020-201 MNZ On 27 May 2021 the Commission recommended that Maritime New Zealand, when assessing or auditing operator safety systems for fishing vessels, review…
005/21 Aviation AO-2018-005 CAA On 27 May 2021 the Commission recommended that the Director of Civil Aviation promote education awareness of the benefit of aircraft pilots and…

1721 results found. Showing page 9 of 173.