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Aviation TAIC reports on 2018 fatal helicopter forced landing of MD600N helicopter
Helicopter destroyed by heavy landing, severe on-ground shaking. All 5 on board injured, incl. head injuries, one fatal. TAIC recommendations on importance of comprehensive practical training in aircraft type, benefits of wearing helmets.

Aviation TAIC reports on tandem skydive accident
After a double parachute malfunction, a skydive pair crash-landed into Lake Wakatipu near Queenstown. The tandem rider submerged and was never found after lifejacket didn’t properly inflate. Parachutists need to practice water landings. TAIC recommends changes to aviation rules and incident reporting.

New chief executive for TAIC
The Transport Accident Investigation Commission has appointed Martin Sawyers as its new Chief Executive.
Rail New inquiry into rail accident at level crossing near Marton
TAIC inquiring into collision involving a train and a light truck at a level crossing on Saunders Rd near Marton, at around 1530 on Thursday 13 May. 1 person travelling in the truck died. TAIC investigation team is on its way and will be on site in the morning

Rail TAIC inquiring into rail accident on Aratere ferry
At Wellington Port, a worker was struck by moving wagon, requiring hospital treatment
Marine TAIC investigating jet boat accident on Shotover River
TAIC has opened an inquiry into the jet boat accident on the Shotover River near Queenstown. Injuries to some persons on board, no fatalities reported. The boat is now in a secure location. TAIC investigators arrived on site 22 March, interviewing witnesses, inspecting boat.
Marine TAIC reports on capsize of water taxi
Worse-than-expected sea conditions caused capsize of a perceived very safe ‘pontoon’ design water taxi. Skipper rescued all six passengers trapped inside, all survived. Lessons for passenger boat sector: know vessel stability as well as buoyancy; prioritise safety over commercial expectations; manage risks; ensure the right safety equipment is available; actively lead safety on-board.
Marine New inquiry: Fire on board cargo ship Kota Bahagia
TAIC is investigating the causes and circumstances of a fire on board a cargo vessel in the Port of Napier. Reportedly, the fire originated in one of the holds of the Kota Bahagia while it was berthed at the wharf. All crew have been accounted for.
Aviation Update: Inquiry into helicopter accident at Kekerengu River
A TAIC team has been on site at the Kekerengu River mouth, commencing investigations into the causes and circumstances of a fatal accident involving an Airbus Helicopter EC120. TAIC removed the wreckage from the site late today (Wed 16 Dec 2020)
Aviation New TAIC inquiry - helicopter crash at Kekerengu River mouth
TAIC has opened an inquiry into the causes and circumstances of the helicopter accident at the Kekerengu River mouth on 15 December 2020. The circumstances reported are that the Airbus Helicopter EC120 was traveling from Christchurch with five persons on board when it lost control, descended and impacted shallow water close to the beach. Two persons on board have been reported as fatally injured, and three seriously injured in the accident.