News 2020
Marine New inquiry: Fire on board cargo ship Kota Bahagia
TAIC is investigating the causes and circumstances of a fire on board a cargo vessel in the Port of Napier. Reportedly, the fire originated in one of the holds of the Kota Bahagia while it was berthed at the wharf. All crew have been accounted for.
Aviation Update: Inquiry into helicopter accident at Kekerengu River
A TAIC team has been on site at the Kekerengu River mouth, commencing investigations into the causes and circumstances of a fatal accident involving an Airbus Helicopter EC120. TAIC removed the wreckage from the site late today (Wed 16 Dec 2020)
Aviation New TAIC inquiry - helicopter crash at Kekerengu River mouth
TAIC has opened an inquiry into the causes and circumstances of the helicopter accident at the Kekerengu River mouth on 15 December 2020. The circumstances reported are that the Airbus Helicopter EC120 was traveling from Christchurch with five persons on board when it lost control, descended and impacted shallow water close to the beach. Two persons on board have been reported as fatally injured, and three seriously injured in the accident.
Aviation TAIC Final Report - fatal in-flight breakup of helicopter at Lake Wanaka, July 2018
Fatal R44 helicopter in-flight break-up. Main rotor blade bent, struck cabin. Likely cause: mast bumping in strong unexpected turbulence, speed a factor. Turbulence is a major risk for Robinson helicopters; pilots should plan for it.
Aviation Closure of inquiries into 787 Rolls-Royce engine issues, December 2017
The Commission has resolved its inquiries into two incidents involving Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines on Boeing 787s, late 2017. TAIC satisfied with engine maker’s safety improvements and turbine blade replacement programme.

Marine TAIC assisting Panama investigation into loss of Gulf Livestock 1
Panama’s inquiry into the loss in the South China Sea of the Gulf Livestock 1 is receiving assistance from TAIC. Under international protocols, investigations into accidents on the high seas fall to the vessel’s flag state – in this case, Panama.
Rail TAIC investigating Bus v locomotive accident at Bunnythorpe
TAIC has opened an inquiry into the causes and circumstances of a the accident involving a railway locomotive and a bus between Palmerston North and Bunnythorpe. The bus driver was fatally injured as a result of the accident. It is reported that the level crossing was protected with flashing lights and bells. TAIC calling for witnesses.

TAIC statement on Gulf Livestock 1 accident
The Gulf Livestock 1 accident occurred on the high seas. International protocols governing investigations in this situation fall to the vessel’s flag state – Panama. TAIC has been in touch with Panama to offer assistance if required.

Marine New inquiry into loss of power on bulk carrier Funing
New TAIC inquiry: Bulk carrier Funing-9690913, departing Tauranga harbour, in main channel, when it lost power, dropped anchors, was assisted by tugs. No pollution nor injuries reported.
Marine TAIC report – log ship seaman fatally injured when cable snapped
TAIC report: On a ship loading logs, a seaman was fatally injured, hit by equipment recoiling when wire snapped. Crew lacked guidance on hazards & safe working. Operator’s safety management system lacked safety assessment.