News 2023

Rail Report on locomotive derailment at Tamaki, Auckland
TAIC calls on KiwiRail to resolve safety issues: risk oversight, risk controls, crashworthiness, crew training. Report also delivers insight into risk assessment, safety training, human factors. For want of these, locomotive went too fast over points, derailed, rolled onto side. All 3 crew escaped, injured.

Aviation Night VFR rules, night instrument currency highlighted in TAIC report
TAIC calls on CAA to address ambiguous rules and guidance for night VFR and pilots’ instrument currency for night VFR. For want of night VFR instrument currency and practice, combined with darkness, cloud, and disorientation, the pilot an AS350 ‘Squirrel’ helicopter lost control, crashed, and did not survive.

Aviation TAIC report - glider on student trial flight crashed while ridge soaring
This report is particularly important for gliding clubs, glider pilots, instructors and personnel involved with glider flying activities and aviation regulation in New Zealand.

Marine TAIC Report identifies major issues for future of stevedoring safety
TAIC report finds major safety issues for NZ stevedoring sector:
-- regulators should be more proactive, take a just culture approach,
-- individual stevedoring employers and the sector as a whole should work for mature safety systems and share information

Rail Level crossing near-miss - TAIC calls for better risk management
TAIC recommends KiwiRail work with road controlling authorities to improve risk management for unplanned disconnections of level-crossing protections. KiwiRail disconnected the Selwyn Street level crossing. However, there was no traffic management in place because KiwiRail hadn’t told council that due to an unplanned disconnection.
Aviation Independent investigation into rescue helicopter accident on Mt Pirongia
TAIC inquiring into the accident involving a BK117 helicopter that impacted terrain on Mt Pirongia on the afternoon of 19 September 2023. TAIC has placed a protection order on the occurrence site and any wreckage or evidence associated with it.

Marine Enchanter capsize - urgent safety issues for search and rescue
TAIC Final report identifies major safety issues affecting the marine sector nationwide, relating to:
--> Search and rescue: availability of aircraft; availability of fuel for SAR helicopters; and joint training for SAR organisations
--> Survivability: Maritime rules for stowage of life jackets to ensure easy access in an emergency
Tracking technology: tracking systems should be required on commercial vessels.
--> Marine surveys: How well vessel surveyors interpret and apply maritime rules.
Marine Kaikōura capsize: urgent safety issue with boat fuel systems
TAIC preliminary report, ongoing inquiry. 8m pontoon boat capsized. Skipper and five passengers rescued, five other passengers died. TAIC urgent safety recommendations: integrity & safety of fuel systems; thoroughness of surveys; sector acceptance of whole fuel systems being inspected

Aviation Two final reports - Commercial hot air balloon pilots need to buckle up
Balloon landings are a safety-critical phase of flight. If anyone or anything is ejected from basket during landing, an accident is virtually certain because balloon is uncontrolled, passengers unattended. To avoid this, all balloon pilots should wear safety harnesses. Owners/operators should install them. Also passenger safety briefings must be clear, concise, easy for all passengers to follow.

Marine TAIC calls for regulation of recreational boats and boating
TAIC reports on fatal capsize of recreational boat while crossing harbour bar. NZ needs to require boats to be registered, and we need minimum standards for boat design and construction, and we need to assess skippers for minimum standards of knowledge and boat handling. Or accept the current rate of 15-20 deaths a year.