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Aviation Media release: Mid-air collision near Masterton in 2019
2 small planes collided mid-air, crashed on approach to uncontrolled aerodrome. Give-way issue. Pilots: keep a lookout, listen for radio calls, obey rules and SOPs. Regulators & aerodrome owners and operators: train & support operators and managers of aerodromes.
Marine Kaikōura capsize: appeal for witnesses
TAIC is appealing for witnesses to the capsize of a boat near Kaikōura on Saturday 10 September

Rail TAIC investigating near collision of train and bus in Christchurch
TAIC appealing for witnesses to a near-collision between a freight train and a bus at Selwyn Street level crossing in Christchurch. It was reported that at about 2:30pm on 8 August 2022, a bus passed over the level crossing in front of a moving freight train that was travelling Eastbound, from Middleton to Lyttelton. There were no fatalities or injuries.
Marine TAIC report - fire on board the Kota Bahagia
Molten material from the hot work caused fire, burned 7 days, extensive damage to high-value fibre-glass cargo, no fatalities, no serious injuries. TAIC calls on Fire and Emergency NZ to improve training in fighting fires on ships. Crucial tactics (close cargo hold cover, release CO2 into hold) weren’t done. Valuable time lost because people lacked a good understanding of each other’s roles and objectives. One new recommendation to Pacific International Lines to address safety issues over fire response and gas cutting hot work.

Rail TAIC investigating locomotive derailment at Tamaki, Auckland
A solitary locomotive was travelling from the Ports of Auckland to Westfield. At about 1:30am, it derailed and rolled onto its side at the Tamaki rail siding on the North Island Main trunk. Two of the three crew suffered minor injury.

Marine MO-2022-202 & MO-2022-203, Independent inquiry into port operations accidents at Lyttelton and Auckland
TAIC is inquiring into the fatal accidents at Lyttelton Port and Ports of Auckland. The Minister of Transport directed TAIC to inquire into the circumstances and causes of the two accidents and provide an independent safety-focused investigation to determine any potential system-wide lessons. The accident at Ports of Auckland was on 19 April, in which a stevedore reportedly fell from height during loading operations for a container ship. The accident at Lyttelton Port happened on 25 April during coal loading operations for a bulk carrier ship.

Marine TAIC report summary: MO-2021-203: Collision FV ‘Commission’ and container ship ‘Kota Lembah,’
Recommendations relate to: watchkeeping standards & practice; collision prevention rules; fatigue. Fishing vessel suffered non-critical damage when it collided with stationary container ship Kota Lembah.

Aviation Two Dash-8s avoid collision on approach to Wellington Airport
Two Dash-8s avoided collision on approach to Wellington Airport (saved by human and automated systems) after one Dash-8 followed the wrong lead aircraft. Nobody hurt, no damage. All safety issues are resolved, so no new TAIC recommendations.
Marine Independent investigation into Enchanter sinking
The fishing charter vessel Enchanter foundered (filled with water – some parts of the wreck floated, while other parts sank) offshore from North Cape on the night of 20/21 March.
Aviation Commercial hot air balloon pilots need to buckle up
In a preliminary report on two commercial hot air balloon accidents, TAIC is calling for pilots to be required to wear harnesses during critical phases of flight. Currently they’re exempt. So pilots who follow rules risk being ejected, seriously injured, & losing control of aircraft. All passengers at risk.