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1719 results found. Showing page 72 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
004/04 Marine MO-2003-209 Malaysia International Shipping Corporation Berhad Disseminate this report among the fleet as a way to promote better attention to bridge operations, particularly the collision regulations. The…
063/03 Aviation AO-2003-004 CAA Monitor closely the future development of TAWS equipment with a view to amending Part 135 to require its installation in relevant aircraft.
064/03 Aviation AO-2003-004 CAA Develop educational material to raise awareness of the rules prohibiting cellphone use on IFR flights.
065/03 Aviation AO-2003-004 CAA Use the circumstances of this accident as educational material for single pilot IFR operators and pilots in the management of instrument approaches.
061/03 Marine MO-2003-210 MSA Draft an amendment to Maritime Rule 34[Medical Standards] for the Minister’s consideration, to require medical practitioners to consider if there is…
059/03 Marine MO-2003-210 MSA draft an amendment to Maritime Rule 34 [Medical Standards] for the Minister’s consideration to · provide educational material for examining medical…
060/03 Marine MO-2003-210 MSA prepare educational material for employers and seafarers on the problems associated with stress, including fatigue, medical conditions and certain…
054/03 Marine MO-2003-207 MSA Draft an amendment to Maritime Rules Part 42B.66 for the Minister’s consideration, to provide that a self-contained breathing apparatus as prescribed…
057/03 Marine MO-2003-207 Solander Fisheries In conjunction with the Maritime Safety Authority, determine and put in place measures to ensure that the company vessels comply fully with the…
055/03 Marine MO-2003-207 MSA Communicate with the operator of Solander Fisheries and operators of other New Zealand registered unlimited area ships advising them of this accident…

1719 results found. Showing page 72 of 172.