1719 results found. Showing page 31 of 172.
Rec. Number | Issued Sort ascending | Inquiry | Recipient | Recommendation |
026/11 Marine | MO-2009-202 | IACS | The operating handle of the watertight door protruded into the doorway when it was in its opening position which was why the door could not be opened… | |
020/11 Aviation | AO-2010-005 | CAA | The aviation community, including the regulator, Airways, aerodrome operators and aircraft operators, does not have a consistent approach to reducing… | |
023/11 Aviation | AO-2010-005 | CAA | In controlled airspace where separation is not provided between aircraft operating under VFR, a VFR aircraft that is instructed to follow another… | |
021/11 Aviation | AO-2010-005 | CAA | ATC, having cleared an aircraft to make a non-standard circuit, is not prevented from concurrently clearing a following aircraft to join the circuit… | |
024/11 Aviation | AO-2010-005 | CAA | The present voluntary and informal nature of aerodrome user groups restricts their potential for improving operational safety at aerodromes. | |
019/11 Marine | MO-2010-203 | MNZ | Critical components in a fixed CO2 gas fire fighting system such as control valves can cause serious harm or immobilise a vessel if they fail. It is… | |
018/11 Rail | RO-2008-111 | NZTA | Temporary speed restrictions are used to manage the safety of train operations when a general deterioration in track condition is identified.… | |
014/11 Marine | MO-2009-204 | Royal NZ Coastguard | It is a safety issue that the Coastguard did not have a process requiring its crews to undertake pre-departure planning when tasked to an incident… | |
017/11 Marine | MO-2009-204 | Royal NZ Coastguard | Better search and rescue efficiencies and a safer coastguard operation could be achieved if the design and type of vessels assigned to individual… | |
012/11 Marine | MO-2009-204 | Royal NZ Coastguard | It is a safety issue that the system for tasking a Coastguard rescue vessel does not always ensure that the people responsible for tasking or… |
1719 results found. Showing page 31 of 172.