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1719 results found. Showing page 18 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
011/17 Marine MO-2017-203 IACS On 10 April 2017 the Commission recommended to the International Association of Classification Societies that it inform all of its members about the…
001/17 Rail RO-2015-102 NZTA The Commission recommends that the Chief Executive of the NZ Transport Agency ensure that in their safety cases the access provider of, and operators…
004/17 Rail RO-2015-102 NRSS Executive The Commission recommends that the National Rail Safety System Executive adopt or develop a New Zealand Fire Standard that incorporates, but is not…
002/17 Rail RO-2015-102 NZTA The Commission recommends that the Chief Executive of the NZ Transport Agency, when conducting safety assessments of each rail licence holder, ensure…
003/17 Rail RO-2015-102 NZTA The Commission recommends that the Chief Executive of the NZ Transport Agency, when conducting safety assessments of each rail licence holder…
007/17 Aviation AO-2014-006 FAA On 23 February 2017 the Commission recommended to the Administrator of the FAA that he:
- extend the limitations and requirements of FAA AD 95…
008/17 Aviation AO-2014-006 CAA On 23 February 2017 the Commission:
- gave notice to the Director of Civil Aviation that recommendation 007/17 had been made to the…
015/15 Marine MO-2013-203 Standards NZ 15.2.8. The Commission recommends that Standards New Zealand submit the Transport Accident Investigation Commission’s report MO-2013-203 DEV Aratere…
014/15 Marine MO-2013-203 KiwiRail The Commission recommends that the Chief Executive of KiwiRail ensure that where KiwiRail makes significant modifications to vessels, appropriate…
020/16 Marine MO-2014-203 Talleys On 29 September 2016 the Commission recommended that the operator of the Captain M. J. Souza: review its internal auditing procedures to ensure that…

1719 results found. Showing page 18 of 172.