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1711 results found. Showing page 168 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
059/90 Aviation AO-1990-045T Queenstown Airport Corp. Remove the present substantial concrete gate posts on the extended centre line of runway 05 and replace them with a light weight frangible structure…
060/90 Aviation AO-1990-045T Queenstown Airport Corp. Fill in the drainage ditch which the aircraft passed through.
069/90 Aviation AO-1990-011T Landcorp That no further permission be granted for operations from the Rotomahana Block Airstrip, until the thistles have been removed.
071/90 Aviation AO-1990-012T ATD MoT Ensure that operators are reminded of the requirement to have the equipment used approved by the Ministry of Transport.
072/90 Aviation AO-1990-012T ATD MoT Institute a schedule of routine inspections for the equipment once it has been approved.
070/90 Aviation AO-1990-012T ATD MoT Cancel any approvals for human sling loads which were issued prior to the promulgation of CASO 20.
073/90 Aviation AO-1990-012T ATD MoT Review the procedures in use for releasing the chain from the aircraft if it should become snagged.
052/90 Aviation AO-1989-032 ATD MoT He require the "brace for impact" position to be included as part of the pre-flight passenger briefing by demonstration or by reference to…
058/90 Aviation AO-1989-032 ATD MoT He review whether the standards for air transport operations from ALG's where a missed approach could not be performed safely from the runway…
061/90 Aviation AO-1990-045T Airways Corp Research the most appropriate location for the sensors for a system of remote reading anemometer to provide an accurate comparison of wind conditions…

1711 results found. Showing page 168 of 172.