
Issued Date

1711 results found. Showing page 133 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
120/95 Aviation AO-1995-011 Airways Corp Put in place a system, to be available on request, to recover and make available as soon as practicable any relevant recorded radar information which…
126/95 Aviation AO-1995-011 Ansett NZ Renegotiate the pilots' contract with NZALPA to remove the condition which is intended to prevent the company from installing CVRs in their…
105/95 Aviation AO-1995-011 Ansett NZ Explore ways of making Ansett New Zealand's CRM training more realistic by use of a flight simulator or otherwise.
109/95 Aviation AO-1995-011 Ansett NZ Review Ansett's practice of setting MDA once established on the approach, with a view to implementing a procedure which will not set the MDA…
112/95 Aviation AO-1995-011 Ansett NZ Investigate the practicability of using the FD and autopilot to alleviate the load on the pilot flying during non-precision instrument approaches in…
121/95 Aviation AO-1995-011 Airways Corp Review the terminology used by approach controllers, in RTF with pilots, when they wish to restrict an aircraft's descent on the DME arc to an…
006/96 Aviation AO-1995-015 Balloon Assn. NZ Consider and make suitable rules for the carriage of life jackets in passenger carrying balloons.
016/96 Aviation AO-1995-015 Balloon Assn. NZ Develop without delay procedures whereby CAA may approve suitable check pilots to conduct Regulation 76 checks.
008/96 Rail RO-1996-102 Carterton Council Review the visibility of PW14 warning signs on each side of each railway crossing in your district and take any necessary action to reinstate the…
011/96 Aviation AO-1995-013 NZ Defence Force He emphasise to pilots on low level cross country exercises a need to consider, during pre-flight briefings, the action to be taken in relation to…

1711 results found. Showing page 133 of 172.