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1719 results found. Showing page 113 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
103/98 Rail RO-1998-115 Tranz Rail Implements procedures to assure compliance with the rules for securing detached wagons left on the main line.
102/98 Rail RO-1998-115 Tranz Rail Reviews the desirability of leaving rakes of wagons detached on main lines during locomotive servicing.
098/98 Rail RO-1998-112 Tranz Rail Issue instructions requiring 3.7 m logs to be suitably restrained by strops or chains when transported by standard log wagons.
100/98 Rail RO-1998-114 Tranz Rail Reviews the format of the train control diagram to provide improved kilometrage information on the vertical scale.
101/98 Rail RO-1998-114 Tranz Rail As part of the review of the train control diagram format, introduces a formalised system to ensure that plotted track occupation limits are subject…
070/98 Aviation AO-1998-006 CAA Promulgates to operators the availability of the lower ILS minima intended and generally implemented by the rulemaking process, advising action to…
061/98 Aviation AO-1998-006 Air Nelson Adopts and promulgates to crews a procedure that, where the release of a company agent after departure would preclude the use of the departure…
062/98 Aviation AO-1998-006 Air Nelson Ensures, when an aerodrome such as Timaru or Hokitika is being used as a destination or alternative, that current weather and other operational…
087/98 Aviation AO-1998-005 CAA Advises all New Zealand operators of the LTS101 engine of the necessity and importance of following the performance trend monitoring procedures…
091/98 Rail RO-1998-111 NZ School Trustees Assn. Advises all secondary school boards of the circumstances of the Henderson accident and suggests that boards in the vicinity of a rail corridor, which…

1719 results found. Showing page 113 of 172.