
Train 2120, train movement while passenger alighting, Swanson, 20 October 1998
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Tuesday 20 October 1998, at approximately 1258 hours, the sliding doors on an Auckland to Waitakere commuter train closed on a child in a pushchair as the mother was endeavouring to lift the pushchair from the train to the platform at Swanson. While attempts were being made to free the pushchair the train moved slowly forward before the doors were opened sufficiently to allow the pushchair to be freed. The safety issues identified were the possibility of diesel multiple units being able to move from rest without all doors being closed, and the lack of compliance with procedures laid down for passenger safety. Two safety recommendations were made to Tranz Rail Limited to address these issues.
Swanson (-36.866193,174.576177) [may be approximate]