1719 results found. Showing page 161 of 172.
Rec. Number | Issued Sort ascending | Inquiry | Recipient | Recommendation |
079/91 Aviation | AO-1991-004 | ATD MoT | Make available to each qualified helicopter pilot a copy of the article on uncommanded yaw published in Flight Safety in 1985. | |
086/91 Aviation | AO-1991-016 | NZ Hang Gliding Assn. | Encourage the use of parachutes in their sport. | |
074/91 Aviation | AO-1991-015 | Rotorua Aero Club | If the landing procedure required cannot be adhered to in respect of flap settings and approach speeds then no landing be attempted. | |
075/91 Aviation | AO-1991-015 | Rotorua Aero Club | A blanket or other means of keeping warm be available for each passenger on flight involving landing at exposed or remote locations. | |
072/91 Aviation | AO-1991-015 | Rotorua Aero Club | Cessna 207 operations to the Mt Tarawera airstrip be discontinued until the full length of the strip is available and in good repair. | |
076/91 Aviation | AO-1991-015 | Rotorua Aero Club | Disused vector 01/19 on the Club's private strip at Mt Tarawera airstrip be marked with a white cross at each end to deter any pilot from… | |
063/91 Aviation | AO-1991-002 | Airways Corp | Make it clear to ATS staff that the controller with whom the pilot first makes contact should confirm that the pilot was aware of relevant hazardous… | |
064/91 Aviation | AO-1989-112 | ATD MoT | Provision be made for continuous weather information to be available from key areas such as the McKinnon Pass and the Upper Hollyford Valley to… | |
071/91 Aviation | AO-1989-112 | ATD MoT | It be a requirement that air transport operators' Operations Manuals and Training Manuals detail their operational and training procedures,… | |
065/91 Aviation | AO-1989-112 | ATD MoT | The minimum requirement for a Milford rating be agreed and promulgated. |
1719 results found. Showing page 161 of 172.