
Issued Date

1711 results found. Showing page 104 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
097/99 Aviation AO-1999-005 CAA Educate pilots on the operation of the use of general aviation areas, in particular those areas within the Queenstown control zone.
088/99 Aviation AO-1999-005 Mount Cook Airline Instruct company pilots of the requirement to obtain an entry clearance from the relevant controlling authority before entering controlled airspace.
092/99 Aviation AO-1999-005 Airways Corp Review procedures to ensure air traffic service staff undergo proficiency assessments within the prescribed time frame.
095/99 Aviation AO-1999-005 CAA Submit for approval a rule change to special visual flight rules, in particular the application of the 1500 feet cloud ceiling, to remove any…
019/00 Aviation AO-1999-005 CAA Educate pilots of the requirement to make a radio call when becoming visual on an instrument approach.
090/99 Aviation AO-1999-005 Air NZ Instruct Air New Zealand pilots of the requirement to make a radio call as soon as possible after becoming visual on an instrument approach and, if…
093/99 Aviation AO-1999-005 CAA Submit for approval a rule change for flight under visual flight rules in uncontrolled airspace by medium and large air transport aircraft, making…
010/00 Marine MO-1999-207 Nippon Kaiji Kyokai undertake random audits of vessels which have a safety management certificate issued by your company in order to check that the requirements of the…
011/00 Marine MO-1999-207 Nippon Kaiji Kyokai re-evaluate the safety management certificate issued to the Pacific Princess to ensure that the International Safety Management code is being fully…
003/00 Rail RO-1999-113 Tranz Rail Improve the effectiveness of detecting and reporting procedures for potential obstructions to rail traffic to ensure that such obstructions are…

1711 results found. Showing page 104 of 172.