
Bulk log carrier "Pacific Princess", grounding, Pania Reef, Napier, 15 May 1999
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
At about 1245 on Saturday, 15 May 1999, the bulk log carrier "Pacific Princess" grounded on Pania Reef outside Napier Harbour. The vessel had departed Port Napier with a harbour pilot on board; before disembarking he had briefed the master with regard to navigating clear of the reef. Despite the briefing the master misidentified the 2 cardinal buoys that marked the north and south extremities of the reef and altered the course of his vessel onto the reef. After the grounding the pilot re-boarded the vessel, and with the assistance of 2 tugs the vessel was refloated. There were no injuries but the "Pacific Princess" sustained extensive underwater damage.

Safety issues identified included:
• the lack of harbour passage planning by the master of the "Pacific Princess"
• the poor standard of bridge resource management on the bridge of the "Pacific Princess"
• the language barrier between the master and the crew, and the master and the pilot
• the high authority gradient between the master and the crew owing to their cultural differences
• low compliance with the requirements of the International Safety Management Code by the operator and crew of the "Pacific Princess".
Pania Reef, Napier (-39.446981,176.943998) [may be approximate]