
Recommendation Date
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Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
re-evaluate the safety management certificate issued to the Pacific Princess to ensure that the International Safety Management code is being fully complied with. In the event of there being a change of management of the vessel, pass on this safety recommendation to the new administration issuing the certificate.
Reply Text
The following actions are being undertaken as part of steps to adopt SR 011-00.

- A visit has already been made on 9 March 2000 of the company that managed the subject ship at the time of the incident (Shikishima Kisen K.K.) to confirm the adequate implementation of its SMS with particular emphasis on shipboard communication. Recommendations were made that the company is currently working to resolve.

- Additional audits are to be carried out for all ships under the management of Shikishima Kisen K.K. (currently eight vessels) to ensure compliance with company SMS and ISM Code requirements with particular attention to steps taken to ensure effective communications onboard. The company has already agreed to the audits (expected to be completed within about six months or so depending on ship schedules, etc.).

- The Pacific Princess has already undergone a full SMS audit along with the company that is now managing the vessel, which was completed on 17 November 1999 in Korea. Based on a careful analysis of the incident as presented in your report and our own information, ClassNK has been reviewing and expanding the current checklist used to conduct ISM audits, especially with respect to confirming the steps taken by companies to ensure effective shipboard communication. This also includes the preparation of a special checklist for carrying out the additional audits of the ships described above.

- A circular is being issued to all auditors emphasizing the need for special attention to onboard communications and reminding them of the importance of exercising proper care in the conduct of all audits. A copy of this circular is enclosed for your reference. [ClassNK Circular, No 0041, dated 25 April 2000]. This part of SR 011-00 is considered to have been already implemented.
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