
Issued Date

1711 results found. Showing page 91 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
011/01 Rail RO-2000-114 Tranz Rail introduce a signals qualification into the certification process for second persons to assist with the identifying and understanding of signal…
015/01 Marine MO-2000-211 Ports of Auckland introduce a system of regular, documented peer review to ensure that all operators are handling the tugs in the most effective and safe manner. The…
014/01 Marine MO-2000-211 Ports of Auckland include in the tug operator training manual detailed modules covering:

• engine and control system failures
• response to…
006/01 Rail RO-2000-106 Tranz Rail introduce the formalised crew resource management procedures recommended in safety recommendation number 001/99, and ensure that such procedures…
007/01 Rail RO-2000-106 Tranz Rail change the procedures for introducing rule and regulation amendments to ensure staff are fully conversant with such changes prior to introduction,…
008/01 Rail RO-2000-106 Tranz Rail audit safety observation procedures to ensure defined frequencies are achieved, and ensure particular attention is given to newly certified staff.
005/01 Rail RO-2000-105 Tranz Rail Introduce code procedures for the use of the EM80 recording car on important yard roads covering:

• tracks to be inspected
009/01 Rail RO-2000-113 LTSA Carry out an LTSA investigation, or initiate a specific audit, of Train Control operations, such investigation or audit to include:
• the…
004/01 Rail RO-2000-111 Tranz Rail introduce a system to ensure road knowledge certification is for a limited, finite time and that subsequent recertification requires a defined…
135/00 Aviation AO-2000-012 Airways Corp ensure all controllers have ready access to a telephone independent from the main system.

1711 results found. Showing page 91 of 172.