
Passenger charter vessel, "Osprey", swamping and manoverboard, Uawa River bar, Tolaga Bay, 14 May 2001
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Monday 14 May 2001, the passenger charter vessel, "Osprey", with the skipper and 6 passengers on board, departed Tolaga Bay for a half-day fishing trip. At about 0830, while crossing the Uawa River bar outbound, the boat encountered 2 waves substantially larger than those already crossed. The first wave heeled the boat significantly to port, causing all on board to lose their footing. One passenger was thrown overboard. The second wave passed over the boat and caused substantial damage to the boat and flooding of the cockpit.

Despite rescue and resuscitation attempts, the passenger who was thrown overboard drowned.

Safety issues identified included:
• the wearing of lifejackets while crossing a river bar
• the swell and wind condition limits placed on the Osprey
• the inherent dangers of crossing river bars.

Safety recommendations were made to the owner of Tolaga Bay East Cape Charters to address the safety issues.
Tolaga Bay (-38.371102,178.308320) [may be approximate]