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1719 results found. Showing page 81 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
042/02 Marine MO-2002-203 Lyttelton Port Co. Include in the Safe Ship Management Manual, instructions to masters on the action they should take in the event of an operational emergency. Areas…
040/02 Marine MO-2002-203 Lyttelton Port Co. Introduce a documented system of regular peer reviews to ensure the standard of tug handling remains consistent.
046/02 Rail RO-2002-116 LTSA Investigate train operations and route management on the Stratford to Okahukura Line, and other routes through remote areas; such investigation to…
029/02 Aviation AO-2002-002 CAA Remind operators and maintainers of Piper PA34-200T Seneca aircraft of the requirement to adhere to aircraft towing limitations, and to regularly and…
045/02 Marine MO-2001-214 MSA Investigate and carry out a cost benefit analysis on any requirement that New Zealand ships carry an Automatic Identification System. In carrying…
031/02 Rail RO-2001-111 Tranz Rail Include in procedures for departing from stations a confirmation check by the Tranz Metro Driver that the doors are closed, by referring to the door-…
030/02 Rail RO-2001-111 Tranz Rail Introduce changes to the existing staff training and promotion process, to ensure that prospective guards complete a predetermined length of time in…
026/02 Marine MO-2001-214 Marlborough DC Require that all ships of over 500 GRT, that are not fitted with a voyage data recorder, that use the Marlborough Sounds on a regular basis be fitted…
027/02 Marine MO-2001-214 Tranz Rail Conduct a risk assessment of navigation in confined waters and upgrade the passage plans to make use of techniques such as monitored turns and…
025/02 Marine MO-2001-214 Marlborough DC Mandate and enforce a traffic management system for vessels transiting Tory Channel that is unambiguous and takes account of the different types and…

1719 results found. Showing page 81 of 172.