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1711 results found. Showing page 74 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
014/03 Rail RO-2002-116 LTSA Either invoke Section 6F (1) of the Transport Services Licensing Act 1989 or, alternatively, procure changes to legislation or, alternatively, by any…
035/03 Rail RO-2002-120 Tranz Rail Reinforce with operating staff the company’s procedures for reporting instances of sudden incapacitation through illness or other condition while on…
042/03 Marine MO-2003-203 Queenstown Lakes DC Evaluate and quantify the traffic on the Dart River and put in place a policy that will prevent conflict between and within the various user groups.
043/03 Marine MO-2003-203 Dart Wilderness Adventures In conjunction with the other commercial operators on the Dart River system formulate a procedure to ensure that:

046/03 Marine MO-2003-203 Dart River Safaris the river VHF radio channel is available solely for radio traffic necessary for the safe operation of jet boats on the river. This channel should be…
044/03 Marine MO-2003-203 Dart Wilderness Adventures The river VHF radio channel is available solely for radio traffic necessary for the safe operation of jet boats on the river. This channel should be…
045/03 Marine MO-2003-203 Dart River Safaris In conjunction with the other commercial operators on the Dart River system formulate a procedure to ensure that:

033/03 Marine MO-2003-201 MSA When conducting any review of Maritime Rule 40A, [Design, Construction and Equipment - Passenger Ships Solas] undertake a cost benefit analysis to…
027/03 Marine MO-2003-202 Auckland RC Include in future publications for special maritime events advice on the effects of wake produced by large concentrations of craft. Such advice…
028/03 Marine MO-2003-202 Auckland RC Develop a procedure to ensure that the 5-knot rule is promoted and enforced, particularly during future special maritime events.

1711 results found. Showing page 74 of 172.