
Recommendation Date
Recipient Name
Dart River Safaris
In conjunction with the other commercial operators on the Dart River system formulate a procedure to ensure that:

information concerning the presence and intentions of private jet boaters on the river system is promulgated to all commercial operators at the earliest possible time.
Reply Text
Dart River Safaris (DRS) would like to advise the TAIC that we are carrying out the following procedures to comply with the recommendations that TAIC has recommended after the report:

1. DRS is drawing up new procedures to ensure that both the communication and recording of daily hazards such as private jet boats complies with the suggestions of the report and is agreed by all operators. This will be completed no later than the end of October 2003. A copy of the procedures will be included into the SOP and authorities will also be sent a copy.

2. DRS are meeting with Queenstown Lakes District Council, local Harbourmaster and DWA on the 3rd of October to discuss and resolve any identified issues / recommendations that were raised in the report.

3. DRS is going to propose a change in daily operating procedures to mitigate any potential dangers with both other commercial users and private users when entering and exiting the Rockburn stream. We have identified this area as a medium risk level for traffic using the Dart River/Rockburn confluence with motorised or non-motorised craft.
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