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1719 results found. Showing page 24 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
008/14 Rail RO-2012-101 KiwiRail None of KiwiRail's staff involved with loading and securing the wagon body was sufficiently familiar with the KiwiRail Freight Handling Code to…
009/14 Rail RO-2012-101 NZTA No-one involved with loading, shifting and securing the wagon body was sufficiently familiar with the KiwiRail Freight Handling Code to realise that…
003/14 Aviation AO-2011-003 CAA On 26 February 2014 the Commission recommended that the Director of Civil Aviation conduct a review of Robinson safety awareness training in New…
004/14 Aviation AO-2011-003 CAA On 26 February 2014 the Commission recommended that the Director of Civil Aviation review FAA SFAR 73 in the context of the New Zealand aviation…
005/14 Aviation AO-2011-003 CAA On 26 February 2014 the Commission recommended that the Director of Civil Aviation encourage the use of flight tracking devices, especially for use…
002/14 Aviation AO-2011-006 Thames Coromandel DC On 26 February 2014 the Commission recommended to the Chief Executive of the Thames-Coromandel District Council that the council establish accurate…
006/14 Aviation AO-2011-003 CAA On 26 February 2014 the Commission recommended that the Director of Civil Aviation continue to support the international work underway to improve the…
001/14 Aviation AO-2011-006 CAA On 26 February 2014 the Commission recommended to the Director of Civil Aviation that he apply stricter requirements upon holders of air operator…
027/13 Marine MO-2011-203 Auckland Council Most of the Fullers vessels operate in enclosed or inshore limits, and in areas frequently plied by other ferries and recreational vessels. In the…
025/13 Rail RO-2011-106 KiwiRail The train controller in this case made an assumption that the passenger train had passed a particular location based on information from the person-…

1719 results found. Showing page 24 of 172.