
Issued Date

1711 results found. Showing page 143 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
028/94 Rail RO-1993-119 LTSA Future editions of the New Zealand Road Code contain an increased emphasis on the driving skills required, and the rules relating to, level crossings.
008/94 Rail RO-1993-130 Hastings DC They design and construct an underpass in an adjacent but discreet location so that the use of the Heretaunga Street pedestrian level crossings can…
023/94 Rail RO-1993-118 NZ Rail They undertake a study of the distance between mainline and loop tracks at crossing loops to determine the risk of recurrence and accordingly whether…
019/94 Aviation AO-1994-001 Welair Aviation Negotiate, with the owner and other operators, for a second full size windsock to be positioned at Awaroa in an appropriate location, to help pilots…
026/94 Rail RO-1993-119 NZ Rail They review the need for background boards behind all crossing alarm flashing lights which may be affected by the azimuth of the rising or setting…
032/94 Rail RO-1993-125 NZ Rail Shunters be advised not to ride on the leading footplate of locomotives as they pass over public level crossings unless they are required to pilot…
009/94 Rail RO-1993-130 Hastings DC Until such time as improved safety measures can be introduced they erect conspicuous warnings signs to encourage the closer supervision children…
017/94 Aviation AO-1993-017 Lucas Western Their cargo winch and rescue hoists be modified so that the control circuitry incorporate a stop switch at the winding in limit which is independent…
020/94 Aviation AO-1994-001 Welair Aviation Amend Welair's Operations Manual to include a paragraph altering pilots to the hazards of operating into Awaroa in strong north-westerly wind…
030/94 Rail RO-1993-125 NZ Rail Shunting locomotives which travel along main lines or regularly pass over level crossings on public roads be fitted with event recorders.

1711 results found. Showing page 143 of 172.