
Issued Date

1711 results found. Showing page 143 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
028/94 Rail RO-1993-119 LTSA Future editions of the New Zealand Road Code contain an increased emphasis on the driving skills required, and the rules relating to, level crossings.
031/94 Rail RO-1993-125 NZ Rail Locomotive event recorders include capability to record the illumination of headlights and the sounding of the horn as well as the speed and brake…
008/94 Rail RO-1993-130 Hastings DC They design and construct an underpass in an adjacent but discreet location so that the use of the Heretaunga Street pedestrian level crossings can…
023/94 Rail RO-1993-118 NZ Rail They undertake a study of the distance between mainline and loop tracks at crossing loops to determine the risk of recurrence and accordingly whether…
019/94 Aviation AO-1994-001 Welair Aviation Negotiate, with the owner and other operators, for a second full size windsock to be positioned at Awaroa in an appropriate location, to help pilots…
026/94 Rail RO-1993-119 NZ Rail They review the need for background boards behind all crossing alarm flashing lights which may be affected by the azimuth of the rising or setting…
032/94 Rail RO-1993-125 NZ Rail Shunters be advised not to ride on the leading footplate of locomotives as they pass over public level crossings unless they are required to pilot…
009/94 Rail RO-1993-130 Hastings DC Until such time as improved safety measures can be introduced they erect conspicuous warnings signs to encourage the closer supervision children…
017/94 Aviation AO-1993-017 Lucas Western Their cargo winch and rescue hoists be modified so that the control circuitry incorporate a stop switch at the winding in limit which is independent…
020/94 Aviation AO-1994-001 Welair Aviation Amend Welair's Operations Manual to include a paragraph altering pilots to the hazards of operating into Awaroa in strong north-westerly wind…

1711 results found. Showing page 143 of 172.