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1711 results found. Showing page 104 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
090/99 Aviation AO-1999-005 Air NZ Instruct Air New Zealand pilots of the requirement to make a radio call as soon as possible after becoming visual on an instrument approach and, if…
093/99 Aviation AO-1999-005 CAA Submit for approval a rule change for flight under visual flight rules in uncontrolled airspace by medium and large air transport aircraft, making…
096/99 Aviation AO-1999-005 CAA Educate pilots about the objectives and application of operations under special visual flight rules.
087/99 Aviation AO-1999-005 Mount Cook Airline Review company procedures for flights through Kawarau Gorge, including the need for specified minimum flight altitudes and visibility requirements,…
091/99 Aviation AO-1999-005 Airways Corp Review procedures to ensure that if clearance to enter controlled airspace is not available then appropriate phraseology that correctly conveys that…
094/99 Aviation AO-1999-005 CAA Approach the local air traffic service provider and local User Group to discuss the justification and acceptability of developing standardised…
097/99 Aviation AO-1999-005 CAA Educate pilots on the operation of the use of general aviation areas, in particular those areas within the Queenstown control zone.
011/00 Marine MO-1999-207 Nippon Kaiji Kyokai re-evaluate the safety management certificate issued to the Pacific Princess to ensure that the International Safety Management code is being fully…
003/00 Rail RO-1999-113 Tranz Rail Improve the effectiveness of detecting and reporting procedures for potential obstructions to rail traffic to ensure that such obstructions are…
010/00 Marine MO-1999-207 Nippon Kaiji Kyokai undertake random audits of vessels which have a safety management certificate issued by your company in order to check that the requirements of the…

1711 results found. Showing page 104 of 172.