Recommendation Date
Recipient Name
Coastal Tankers
Liaise with Port Otago Limited and combine the resources of all parties to reassess the risk level for the Kakariki transiting Otago Harbour and take whatever action is required to achieve a level of safety commensurate with prudent seamanship, and appropriate ship and port company operations.
Reply Text
As these recommendations [054/00 and 055/00] stand, they are incapable of implementation given the lack of definition, enumeration and timelines within them. The CTL [Coastal Tankers Limited] Board has endorsed the following operational philosophy with respect to safety assessments utilising the PIANC guidelines.
High risk: Immediate cessation of operations.
Medium risk: Operations must be moved to standard risk within 2 years.
Standard risk: Satisfactory.
Within that context, the above TAIC recommendations will be implemented.
High risk: Immediate cessation of operations.
Medium risk: Operations must be moved to standard risk within 2 years.
Standard risk: Satisfactory.
Within that context, the above TAIC recommendations will be implemented.
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