
Issued Date

1711 results found. Showing page 108 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
068/99 Rail RO-1999-111 Tranz Rail Reassess the desirability of permitting shunting staff to ride on the deck of certain wagons, and in particular for RCO's to control shunt…
045/99 Rail RO-1999-107 Tranz Rail Consolidate and clarify procedures to avoid conflicting movements in the Auckland Freight Centre and include procedures for the dispatch of trains.
066/99 Rail RO-1999-111 Tranz Rail Reinforce the training and increase the compliance monitoring of RCO's to ensure they are positioned and operate in such a manner that a…
069/99 Marine MO-1999-205 Australia New Zealand Direct Line liase with Lloyds Register of Shipping to review the cargo securing manual to clarify the lashing required when containers are loaded more than one…
057/99 Aviation AO-1999-003 Southwest helicopters Puts in place a practical means of meeting the company's requirements for cargo restraints and ensures that it is complied with.
058/99 Aviation AO-1999-003 Southwest helicopters Puts in place a practical means of meeting the company's requirements for passenger lists and ensures that it is complied with.
050/99 Aviation AO-1999-004 CAA Emphasise to all senior managers of air transport operations the need for them to be aware of their responsibilities, including:
051/99 Aviation AO-1999-004 CAA Recommend to all air transport operators that they develop pro-active monitoring strategies such as occasionally using passengers to carry out spot,…
049/99 Aviation AO-1999-004 CAA Examine the CAA auditing process and determine if it needs to be enhanced by periodically, or with reasonable justification, requiring general…
077/99 Aviation AO-1999-004 CAA Consider requiring early re-certification under appropriate civil aviation rules (which embody the management system approach to safety) of those…

1711 results found. Showing page 108 of 172.