
Issued Date

1711 results found. Showing page 84 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
080/01 Marine MO-2001-210 Ports of Auckland Ensure that the pilots employed by his company promote and adhere to the principles of bridge resource management.
086/01 Marine MO-2001-205 Pacifica Shipping Critically review the scheduling and manning level of all Pacifica ships, and ensure that the maritime rules for the prevention of fatigue can be…
015/02 Marine MO-2001-205 Port Otago Maintain the requirement that the signal station operator informs masters of transiting ships of any unlit or temporarily lit beacons and also…
088/01 Marine MO-2001-210 MSA Include in an advisory circular to Maritime Rule Part 90A [Pilots' Qualifications] the minimum standards that a monitoring and currency system…
081/01 Marine MO-2001-205 MSA Include in an advisory circular to Maritime Rule 90 [Pilotage (Appointment of Pilots and Pilotage)] minimum standards that a monitoring and currency…
087/01 Marine MO-2001-205 Otago RC Ensure that any new pilotage exemption certificates issued are subject to the existing size and area limitations currently applicable.
079/01 Marine MO-2001-210 Ports of Auckland Introduce a system to ensure that the pilots who operate on the Manukau Harbour are sufficiently familiar and experienced with the harbour to…
083/01 Marine MO-2001-205 Pacifica Shipping Include in the policy manuals instructions to ship’s staff on how the company expects the principles of effective bridge resource management should…
077/01 Rail RO-2001-113 Tranz Rail Either immediately prohibit the public use of the level crossing in accordance with Clause 1(d) of the Deed of Grant or, if public use is to continue…
078/01 Rail RO-2001-113 Tranz Rail Identify all other private level crossings that the public are invited to use to ensure that:
- the appropriate authority has been given for…

1711 results found. Showing page 84 of 172.