
Recommendation Date
Recipient Name
Marlborough Harbour Board
Establishes a suitable navigational light beacon on Anatakupu Island, or on such suitable alternative site as might be identified, to improve the directional awareness of masters transiting French Pass in a north-easterly direction and to maintain the safety of navigation through French Pass.
Reply Text
At a recent meeting of Council's Resource Management and Regulatory Committee, an item was submitted regarding the establishment of a light on Anatakapu Island. The committee resolved that: "Council contribute 50% of the costs of establishing an additional navigation light to the north-east of French Pass to enhance navigational safety, if it is seen appropriate by the Maritime Safety Authority"; and "that Iwi be consulted on the placement of any navigation light." Please note that the wording of the resolutions is as shown within the inverted commas. At this stage it is not possible to determine the completion date as this will be dependant on Maritime Safety Authority agreeing to the placement of the above light.
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