
Ro-ro cargo vessel "Spirit of Vision", grounding, French Pass, 30 April 1998
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Thursday, 30 April 1998, at about 0250, the Ro Ro cargo vessel "Spirit of Vision" grounded in French Pass. The vessel had been on passage from Nelson to Lyttelton with eleven persons on board. There were no injuries. Attempts to refloat the vessel immediately after grounding were unsuccessful despite the assistance of the fishing vessel "Rockfish". The vessel refloated without assistance on the next rising tide and was able to continue the passage to Lyttelton, although the starboard engine could not be used due to propeller damage sustained in the grounding.

Safety issues identified included insufficient safety precautions taken for the transit of French Pass and the inadequacy of the shore navigation lights to the north-east of French Pass. Safety recommendations were made to the chief executive of Pacifica Shipping (1985) Limited and to the harbourmaster of Marlborough District Council to address these issues.
French Pass (-40.924165,173.837507) [may be approximate]