
Recommendation Date
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Urgently consult with industry and put in place temporary measures that will enable those operators who are having difficulty complying with the present manning requirements to continue operating, so long as the temporary measures are consistent with safe operation. These measures should be in place until the amendments to Part 31B - Crewing and Watchkeeping - Offshore, Coastal and Restricted (Non-Fishing Vessels) and Part 32 – Qualifications, come into force in 2004.
Reply Text
I would also confirm that the MSA accepts the Commissions final recommendation 041/03 and notes that MSA has been working alongside industry for some time and has developed more effective measures to implement the intent of Rule 31B.

This has included a recent meeting of 8 October where a minimum crewing assessment template was agreed between industry and MSA, and a new qualification for deckhands was proposed to allow for new entrants to enter the industry and an alternative training path.
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