
Restricted limit passenger vessel, "Tiger III", passenger injury, Cape Brett, 18 March 2003
Occurrence Date
Report Publication Date
Legacy Inquiry Number
On Tuesday 18 March 2003 at about 1455, during a scenic tour of the Bay of Islands, the restricted limit passenger vessel, "Tiger III", encountered a steep wave with an unexpectedly deep trough behind it. The bow of the vessel rode up on this wave before dropping violently into the trough. Four passengers standing on the foredeck received serious injuries. There was no damage to the vessel.

Safety issues identified were:

· passenger access to the foredeck of the vessel during an open water passage
· the unpredictability of sea conditions
· non-compliance with Maritime Rule Part 31B - Crewing and Watchkeeping - Offshore, Coastal and Restricted (non-Fishing Vessels).

Safety recommendations were made to the Chief Executive Officer of Fullers Bay of Islands and the Director of Maritime Safety to address the safety issues
Cape Brett (-35.169439,174.330556) [may be approximate]