
Recommendation Date
Recipient Name
On 15 May 2024, the Commission recommended that the Director of Civil Aviation revise the rule, notes and guidance provided for CAR Part 12: Accidents, Incidents, and Statistics to make it clear that a door opening in flight is a safety issue and to take steps to address door-opening-in-flight occurrences that are not being promptly reported to the CAA.
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A rules revision is outside of the Authority’s statutory functions and duties, so the Authority cannot accept the recommendation regarding a revision of CAR Part 12. Any recommendation regarding a revision of the rules, would best be directed to the Secretary for Transport.

The Authority accepts the aspects of the recommendation relating to the revision of notes and guidance associated with CAR Part 12 and will commence work on adding aircraft ‘doors opening in flight’ to appendix A of AC12-11.

See paragraph 3.136 of TAIC report
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