
Recommendation Date
Recipient Name
Promote ongoing understanding of ‘simultaneous operations’, including
a published definition and how the practice relates to parallel runway
operations at unattended aerodromes.
Reply Text
I write in response to your letter dated 13 September 2022, in which you
provided the Civil Aviation Authority (the Authority) with recommendations of
the final draft aviation report AO-2019-006. I can confirm that the Authority
will be accepting the recommendations specified in our submission on 3 May
[response to draft report].

You also asked that if it were practicable, that our letter confirm the dates we
expect the recommendations to be fully implemented and the likely actions
taken to address those recommendations. Formulating actions and
establishing timing can be difficult at this stage so we are unable to provide
those timings now, however we can provide them in due course.

In an email prior to the 13 September letter, the Commission also queried our
response to Paragraph Rec. [6.3.2] about ‘simultaneous operations’, which has
now been updated to Recommendation 013/22. As noted in our letter on 3
May, we have raised an Issue Assessment to examine potential issues arising
from this mid-air collision as they relate to simultaneous runway operations.
This may produce insight or a solution to what Recommendation 013/22 is
trying to address.

In addition, the Authority is continuing awareness work around standardised
procedures at unattended aerodromes during forthcoming Flight Instructor
seminars. These work-shop sessions reinforce the messaging from the
Standard Overhead Join videos the Authority have already produced.
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