
Recommendation Date
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The Commission recommended that Talley’s introduces a system for managing contractors working on board. The system should include sign-off for each task, a job safety analysis for each task that may pose risks to the contractors or crew, and, where applicable, testing to ensure the repaired system is fit for purpose.
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1. Talley’s have provided the Commission with the following response to recommendation 10/22:

a) Talley’s have prepared a draft PCBU overlapping duties framework to manage contractors at layups and turnarounds, using the WorkSafe Good Practise Guideline PCBU’s working together document. In addition to this, Talley’s is engaging in detailed consultations with shore staff, vessel staff, contractors, and other stakeholders, outcomes of which will help us to understand where additional processes may be required to support their current processes.

b) On completion of the consultation process, guidance to support each step will be created and distributed to Talley’s staff, contractors and stakeholders, against which current activities can be benchmarked and modified if required.

c) It is anticipated that the draft framework document will be finalised by the end of June 2022 and the detailed processes by the end of July 2022.

d) Additionally, as part of their ongoing initiatives to reduce risk, each step in the turnaround/layup process has been reviewed, and updated documentation (worklists with contractor controls) and processes has been developed to manage all ongoing activities involving contractors on the vessels. Examples of this are:
a. all contractors reporting to chief/2ND engineer when they come aboard and depart the vessel
b. review of qualifications and competencies of staff who issue permits.

e) Finally, Talley’s are updating and continually modernising their PPM and maintenance systems. This includes the consideration of the implementation of a dedicated marine engineering software package (Marasoft) to assist in the managing of contractors working on board.

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