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1711 results found. Showing page 96 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
093/00 Rail RO-2000-102 Tranz Rail Ensure that trackside growth and the location of poles and other structures do not interfere with necessary minimum signal sighting distances
094/00 Rail RO-2000-102 Tranz Rail Ensure authorised line speed and signal sighting distances provide a safe stopping distance in the event of an Intermediate signal being misread at…
106/00 Marine MO-2000-205 Auckland RC Require all ferry operators offering scheduled ferry services within Auckland enclosed water limits to submit for approval to the council a detailed…
099/00 Marine MO-2000-205 Fullers Group Arrange for skippers employed by the company attend a high speed navigation course.
107/00 Marine MO-2000-205 Auckland RC Establish the main ferry routes within Auckland enclosed water limits and arrange to have them marked on the appropriate charts with an appropriate…
096/00 Marine MO-2000-205 Fullers Group Develop a comprehensive passage plan for each of the company routes that utilises all available resources aboard company vessels, and make it company…
100/00 Marine MO-2000-205 Fullers Group Continue the training of deckhands employed by his company to a level where they can competently assist or relieve the master as necessary.
098/00 Marine MO-2000-205 Fullers Group Revise the Fog and Poor Visibility section of the Quality Procedures Manual to clearly identify the responsibilities of the skippers under the…
071/00 Marine MO-1999-212 Shotover Jet Ensure that sufficient resources are put into maintaining the Shotover Jet Limited fleet in a state of repair appropriate for its intended use.
078/00 Marine MO-1999-212 Shotover Jet Fit steering limit stops to all boats in the Shotover fleet fitted with HJ-212 jet units.

1711 results found. Showing page 96 of 172.