
Issued Date

1719 results found. Showing page 66 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
057/04 Marine MO-2004-204 Fish Fiordland Fit trim tab indicators.
058/04 Rail RO-2003-109 Toll NZ Consolidated Establish an inspection procedure and criteria for acceptance or rejection of individual DMU driveshafts in service with the assistance of the…
061/04 Rail RO-2003-109 Toll NZ Consolidated Individually identify all driveshafts on the DMU fleet so that their maintenance and service history can be recorded and tracked.
059/04 Rail RO-2003-109 Toll NZ Consolidated Establish installation and maintenance standards for driveshafts and instruct all relevant maintenance staff in their use.
066/04 Rail RO-2003-110 Toll NZ Consolidated Ensure that in all cases of a train parting, the whole train is inspected before any attempt is made to couple up and move off.
060/04 Rail RO-2003-109 Toll NZ Consolidated Revise the design of the safety stirrup to better constrain the driveshaft and reduce the risk of injury in the event of a driveshaft failure.
056/04 Marine MO-2004-204 Fish Fiordland Develop a comprehensive standard passenger safety briefing to include the position of life saving apparatus, actions in the case of an emergency and…
063/04 Marine MO-2004-207 Poseidon Fishing Co In conjunction with the Safe Ship Management Company include a section in the Safe Ship Management manual on the signs, symptoms and effects of…
064/04 Marine MO-2004-207 Poseidon Fishing Co Fit watchkeeping alarms independent of all other equipment in the wheelhouse of all vessels operated by his company and put in place a procedure to…
062/04 Marine MO-2004-207 Poseidon Fishing Co In conjunction with the Safe Ship Management Company implement the requirements of Maritime Rule Part 31C [Crewing and Watchkeeping - Fishing Vessels…

1719 results found. Showing page 66 of 172.