
Issued Date

1711 results found. Showing page 36 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
006/10 Rail RO-2008-113 NZTA Locomotive operating instructions do not address the effects of power braking on train stopping distances, particularly in situations requiring…
005/10 Marine MO-2008-203 MNZ Forward this report to the International Maritime Organisation bringing to its attention the safety issue where there is no mandatory requirement for…
004/10 Marine MO-2008-207 MNZ Address with the commercial jet boat industry that in spite of the requirements under Maritime Rules Part 80 and other safety initiatives taken by…
002/10 Marine MO-2008-207 MNZ Bring this report to the attention of the reviewers of adventure tourism in New Zealand the lessons learned from this accident, and in particular,…
003/10 Marine MO-2008-207 MNZ Address with the commercial jet boat industry that in spite of the requirements under Maritime Rules Part 80 and other safety initiatives taken by…
001/10 Marine MO-2008-207 MNZ Address the safety issue whereby in the event of an accident or incident, the emergency back-up radios are not capable of being used for…
032/09 Rail RO-2008-103 NZTA The system for recording faults on Tranz Metro trains was not user-friendly, was not being followed all of the time and did not achieve its purpose…
035/09 Rail RO-2008-103 NZTA The current performance standard for train event recorders (or data loggers) as described in the National Rail System Standard NRSS/6 needs to be…
033/09 Rail RO-2008-103 NZTA The Tranz Metro maintenance policy was biased towards being reactive rather than proactive and did not include identifying and monitoring the…
034/09 Rail RO-2008-103 NZTA The automatic train status information presented to drivers in the driving cabs of Tranz Metro trains did not give the drivers adequate information…

1711 results found. Showing page 36 of 172.