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1719 results found. Showing page 171 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
050a/90 Aviation AO-1989-063 ATD MoT He foster courses in formation flying conducted by pilots experienced in formation flying, from the RNZAF or elsewhere.
039/90 Aviation AO-1990-049 NZ Gliding Assn. Consider introducing a procedure whereby the ground-crew check with the pilot that a glider's airbrakes are locked prior to attaching the cable.
046/90 Aviation AO-1989-053 MNZ Promulgate as soon as practicable, by NOTAM or otherwise, a warning to pilots that the information on approach plates, which relates to spot heights…
049a/90 Aviation AO-1989-063 ATD MoT He require the RNZAC rules for formation flying to be reviewed by an independent panel of pilots familiar with formation flying.
045/90 Aviation AO-1990-049 NZ Gliding Assn. Review the existing visual signals in use between tug and glider pilots and re-promulgate the list of standard signals to be used by the pilots of…
047/90 Aviation AO-1989-053 ATD MoT Review the policy on the provision of information on instrument approach plates, relating to navigation lights visible to pilots and the depiction of…
no ID114 Aviation AO-1988-098 CAA 4.2 On 27 July 1988, following a separate accident it was recommended to the Director of Civil Aviation that he:

Require aircraft…
017/90 Aviation AO-1989-032 ATD MoT He require owner to level the threshold of runway 08 at Tiraora Lodge airstrip.
020/90 Aviation AO-1989-032 ATD MoT He ensure each emergency exit has a readily identifiable and effective handle on the inside of the aircraft.
023/90 Aviation AO-1989-032 ATD MoT He redraft paragraph 3.3.1 on page MET 3-2 of the Aeronautical Information Publication to clarify whether or not the General Aviation Weather is…

1719 results found. Showing page 171 of 172.