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1711 results found. Showing page 112 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
113/98 Marine MO-1998-208 Union Shipping surveys the fixed container lashing points and makes repairs as necessary.
104/98 Rail RO-1998-108 Glenbrook Vintage Railway Introduce procedures to ensure that when the application of the rear handbrake is required by the Rules, the application is confirmed to the engine…
102/98 Rail RO-1998-115 Tranz Rail Reviews the desirability of leaving rakes of wagons detached on main lines during locomotive servicing.
103/98 Rail RO-1998-115 Tranz Rail Implements procedures to assure compliance with the rules for securing detached wagons left on the main line.
098/98 Rail RO-1998-112 Tranz Rail Issue instructions requiring 3.7 m logs to be suitably restrained by strops or chains when transported by standard log wagons.
100/98 Rail RO-1998-114 Tranz Rail Reviews the format of the train control diagram to provide improved kilometrage information on the vertical scale.
101/98 Rail RO-1998-114 Tranz Rail As part of the review of the train control diagram format, introduces a formalised system to ensure that plotted track occupation limits are subject…
061/98 Aviation AO-1998-006 Air Nelson Adopts and promulgates to crews a procedure that, where the release of a company agent after departure would preclude the use of the departure…
062/98 Aviation AO-1998-006 Air Nelson Ensures, when an aerodrome such as Timaru or Hokitika is being used as a destination or alternative, that current weather and other operational…
070/98 Aviation AO-1998-006 CAA Promulgates to operators the availability of the lower ILS minima intended and generally implemented by the rulemaking process, advising action to…

1711 results found. Showing page 112 of 172.