
Issued Date

1711 results found. Showing page 134 of 172.

Rec. Number Issued Sort ascending Inquiry Recipient Recommendation
014/96 Aviation AO-1995-012 CAA Develop some educational material on go-around procedures where involuntary overtaking may occur, and promulgate this to pilots and controllers.
012/96 Aviation AO-1995-012 Airways Corp Continue to counsel controllers to apply caution and conservative judgement to the specific situation of an arriving and departing aircraft,…
013/96 Aviation AO-1995-012 Airways Corp Review the use of language in such documents as MATS to ensure that ambiguities do not occur.
098/95 Marine MO-1995-205 Buller Port Services Buller Port Services liaise with Tranz Rail to find a permanent solution to minimise the effect of the yard lights on vessels navigating in the port…
099/95 Marine MO-1995-205 Buller Port Services Buller Port Services replace the vandalised sign on the eastern breakwater instructing motorists to dip their headlights before driving further out…
001/96 Rail RO-1995-119 LTSA That the LTSA review its road safety strategies to determine the best means of educating drivers on the dangers associated with driver fatigue and…
002/96 Rail RO-1995-121 Tranz Rail Reviews the adequacy of the elements of the safety system which failed to prevent unsupervised unloading of wagons on a grade in circumstances where…
124/95 Aviation AO-1995-017 CAA Review the current procedures for the procurement of critical aircraft components, with a view to requiring the components to be supplied through an…
089/95 Aviation AO-1995-004 CAA Produce educational material reminding operators of the importance of ensuring that procedures developed by the operator do not conflict with the…
092/95 Aviation AO-1995-004 CAA Remind pilots and operators of the correct meaning of the "Urgency" and "Distress" messages. The correct use of pro-words…

1711 results found. Showing page 134 of 172.