
Recommendation Date
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Airways Corp
Put in place a system, to be available on request, to recover and make available as soon as practicable any relevant recorded radar information which might assist the Search and Rescue Co-ordination Centre to locate a missing aircraft.
Reply Text
A system is in place, and was so at the time of the accident, whereby relevant recorded radar data can be made available as soon as practicable to the Search and Rescue Co-ordination Centre if requested by the SAR Co-ordinator. On 25 April 1996 we enhanced our procedures so that in the event that an aircraft went missing while specifically in receipt of radar service we will immediately carry out the relevant search of radar data and provide information on the result of the search to the SAR Co-ordinator as soon as it becomes available. This initiative would be taken whether or not the SAR Co-ordinator made a request for the information.
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