Recommendation Date
Recipient Name
Tranz Rail
Introduce operating procedures for Tranz Rail staff and customers who move wagons without using rail mounted vehicles, or load or unload wagons, which ensure: only approved equipment is used, and only by appropriately certified staff; equipment for moving wagons is applied at approved positions, and that these positions are clearly defined to staff concerned; that any damage causing deformation to safety critical components such as handgrips which could compromise fitness for purpose is identified promptly and the wagons removed from service.
Reply Text
Tranz Rail had adopted this safety recommendation as it relates to Tranz Rail's operations and staff. Furthermore, Tranz Rail has taken steps to ensure customers are aware of and are encouraged to comply with the recommendations. Operating procedures currently exist in the form of the rail operating code and siding agreements. In addition, a damage reporting system is being trialled so customers and staff can ring the service centre 24 hrs to report damage. A wagon can be bad ordered on the spot and if appropriate prevented from entering service until the wagon has been inspected and repaired.
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