
Recommendation Date
Recipient Name
Note the failures of the regulatory system to detect shortcomings in the maintenance of infrastructure (as presented in the Commission’s report 05-116: collapse of the Nuhaka Bridge under a work train) and shortcomings in the construction and commissioning process for newly modified rolling stock (as presented in this report), and;
Take a more strategic approach to risk management of the rail industry, and in particular take more of a leadership role in setting, changing and monitoring compliance with national standards for rail infrastructure and rolling stock, and the interaction between these components of the rail system.
Reply Text
In previous correspondence (dated 26 September 2007) to TAIC, Land Transport NZ responded to this recommendation by noting the failure of, firstly, the maintenance system that led to the collapse of the Nuhaka Bridge and, secondly, in the commissioning and construction process that led to the Meadowbank incident. These responses did not note any failure in the regulatory system as stated in your recommendation, as Land Transport NZ does not attribute the cause of the two incidents investigated by TAIC to failure of the regulatory system.

In regard to the second part of the recommendation, Land Transport NZ has recently reviewed its rail regulatory activities within the context of the co-regulatory New Zealand rail system. As a result of the review, initiatives are currently being developed that will enable the Rail Regulation team to take a more strategic, proactive approach to its role. This is an on-going process and taking a more strategic approach does not have a "completely implemented" end date, as requested in your letter. However, a number of initiatives should be in place by 30 June 2008 that will enhance the strategic capability of the Rail Regulation team.
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