
Recommendation Date
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Until the responsibilities for the maintenance of sighting distances at public road level crossings have been clarified, it is important for the safety of rail users and road users that there are effective programmes to control vegetation growth around public road level crossings.

On 13 December 2018 the Commission recommended to the Chief Executive of KiwiRail that, until the NZ Transport Agency has clarified the responsibilities for maintaining sighting distances at public road level crossings, where KiwiRail becomes aware of vegetation affecting the sighting distances at level crossings for which it is the licensed access provider, it work with the relevant road controlling authority to remove or control the vegetation.
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KiwiRail accepts the recommendation as presented and will ensure that, where it is brought to KiwiRail’s attention that vegetation is affecting sighting distances at particular public read level crossings for which it is access provider, it works with the relevant road controlling authorities to manage that vegetation.

KiwiRail will also liaise with the NZ Transport Agency as required in order for the Agency to clarify the legal responsibilities for maintaining sighting distances at public read level crossings.
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