
Recommendation Date
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amends Maritime Rule Part 80 [Marine Craft Involved In Adventure Tourism] to:
• raise the minimum hours of training for jet boat drivers to 100 hours,
• set a standard for drivers to reach before they can be certified as senior drivers,
• require operators of commercial jet boats to have a system of on-going guidance and training for new drivers, and a system of peer review among senior drivers, and
• require drivers to undergo a further 50 hour training on any new river they intend to operate on.
Reply Text
This is not accepted. Rule Part 80, developed after extensive industry consultation and full cost-benefit evaluation, was not in force at the time of these accidents and will not be fully implemented until July of this year. It would appear premature to amend the Rule at this stage, not least since it addresses each of the issues raised by your recommendations.

In that particular context, we should stress that the Rule requires a minimum number of hours of training for jet boat drivers, while overall standards and ongoing guidance and monitoring are matters we would expect to see covered in any company's Safe Operational Plan, approved by an expert Authorised Person.

We shall, however, draw your report and its recommendations to all such persons.
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