
Recommendation Date
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The training system for drivers of the push/pull sets on the Auckland rail network did not use standard training techniques, did not teach standard best practice methods for train operations, and did not include appropriate standards for minder drivers to achieve before being certified to teach trainee drivers.
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Discussions on this issue have been ongoing both with the Transport Accident Investigation Commission and various rail industry organisations for some time now since this issue was first raised with the NZTA. SA/SD set braking performance and associated issues also formed an integral part of both the Veolia and KiwiRail assessments this year.
We intend to work closely with KiwiRail with an aim to implementing and closing these recommendations as soon as practicable.
Discussions on them will be ongoing. Any outstanding Transport Accident Investigation Commission (TAIC) recommendations continue to form an integral part of our annual safety assessments of the rail industry.
When these discussions are concluded and the appropriate evidence has been gathered, we will be liaising with TAIC with a view to closing this safety recommendation.
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