
Recommendation Date
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Take action to address the following safety issue - the engines on 3 Real Journey vessels operating in Milford Sound and Doubtful Sound that manoeuvre close to the shoreline and other features during the normal daily operation were prone to stalling when placed from ahead to astern at speeds over 7 knots, which raises some doubt as to their fitness for purpose. The operational procedures that the operator has put in place to mitigate the risk of stalling have not addressed the core design issue concerning the original drive train.
Reply Text
Maritime New Zealand accepts this recommendation and notes that Real Journeys are currently investigating technical options to mitigate the risk of engines stalling when placed from ahead to astern at speeds over 7 knots. MNZ will write to Real Journeys requiring them to report any instances of vessel engines stalling in these circumstances; to keep the Director informed of progress regarding technical solutions to this problem, and to carry out manoeuvring trials to the satisfaction of the Director and a Recognised Surveyor when technical solutions have been implemented.
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